Callback24 – API

If you are interested in our product and seek more information, leave a phone number and we will call you back.

1. If you want a Callback24 pop-up to appear after clicking the button in a content of a product description, add an attribute onclick="window.showCallback24Popup()" to a tag of an appropriate element (a link, a button etc.)

Below is an example of the application:

If you are interested in our product then leave a phone number and we will call you back.

2. If you want a Callback24 pop-up to appear after clicking the button in a content of a product description, add an attribute onclick="window.showCallback24Popup()"
onclick="window.showCallback24Popup("call_from_string")" to a tag of an appropriate element (a link, a button etc.), where call_from_string is an information which can be added for A/B testing.

3. If you want to add an event to the widget buttons, use the following attribute: document.addEventListener('callback24WidgetButtonClick', function () {});
callback24WidgetButtonClick – a button click event opening a widget
callback24PhoneButtonClick – a button click event “call me”

Below is an example of the application:

<script> document.addEventListener('callback24WidgetButtonClick', function () { //twój kod }); </script>

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