
How did Callback24 increase the value of a music store order by 169% in comparison with transactions conducted without our tool.


Increase in order value

What does the Ragtime store do?

Ragtime is a music store that can be found both online and in stationary locations in cities such as Opole, Wrocław, Gliwice and Katowice. It is a place that offers customers a wide selection of instruments and music accessories. The constantly expanding assortment abounds in covers, less and more exotic string instruments, keyboards, wind instruments and all necessary accesories.

Ragtime has implemented Callback24 on its website and during the last quarter has seen a number of positive changes that have further improved the functioning of the already thriving store.

How the Ragtime store fared before the introduction of Callback24

Before the online store website ragtime.pl started using Callback24, the store had already been one of the local leaders in its niche and had really good sales results. However, Callback24 made the customer orders more profitable for the seller and also made it easier to contact the customers.

Results after using Callback24 for 3 months

Ragtime managed to achieve its goal of increasing sales results. After only three months, statistics have shown that purchases preceded by phone contact have an average order value 169% higher.

In addition, store employees are able to adjust marketing activities, taking into account micro-conversions of potential clients. Callback24 not only increases sales results, but also reaches a wider range of customers and effectively builds a brand.

Additional advantages of Callback24

The time it takes a Ragtime store to contact a customer is just 15 seconds. It means an almost immediate chance to take care of the customer’s need.

Through direct contact, salespeople are able to recommend more products to potential buyers and convince them to make more expensive purchases. The calls are also analyzed, which not only serves training purposes, but also allows research into customer interests and replenishment of the product range.

We’ve been able to increase sales, because now we can contact our clients quickly. We’ve also noticed that with Callback24 we are simply selling more expensive products.

Mr. Wojciech

Owner, Ragtime

In just a few months, the Ragtime store was able to increase its sales performance and strengthen its position in the market.

The new tool also gave the owners the opportunity to find out demands of potential clients and adjust marketing strategies to their needs.

Callback24 system is highly praised by the store’s employees who can reach interested clients in a short time. The form of phone contact gives them the possibility to conduct more effective conversations with customers, which positively affects the value of their purchases.

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of your online store?

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conversion increase
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order value increase

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